It doesn't matter what time of the year it is there is always
an opportunity to enjoy 'Stepping Out'
Stepping into Spring - Saunter into Summer - Autumn Stroll
Winter Walk Evenings
This is an exciting addition to the services I offer, something to really look forward to. I introduced this in October 2015 when the darker evenings were drawing in as it was more suited to the less confident girls who perhaps had never been out before but wanted texperience the thrill and to be a little more daring. I thought after dark ventures out would be perfect. But as 'Stepping Out' has been fairly popular even in the daytime I've now continued it and added 'Stepping Out into Spring'. So now girls can venture out together with me, although it will be lighter evenings now of course. Springtime may well be suited for the brave or more confident girls of course but is available to everyone.
An idea struck me after a couple of girls visited me last summer, both mentioning pretty much the same thing, about how thrilling it would be to go out dressed. Neither of them had been brave enough to venture out at all previously and the very thought of going out in the daytime terrified them, although just the thought of it was exciting. In fact for Daphne this was her first full make-over session.
After I had put the final touches to her make-up she began admiring her beautiful female self in the mirror, she did look fabulous and sipping her glass of wine the conversation flowed, as it does quite naturally when two girls get together. Daphne's confidence just seemed to suddenly blossom and that's when she felt the urge to show herself to the world. I wasn't surprised at her reaction especially as most girls love the thought of going out. However experience told me this was more than likely just a fantasy and she wasn't really going to be that brave all of a sudden. But maybe on a subsequent visit we could push the boundaries a little bit further and perhaps when it got dark would be best as she would feel more comfortable.
So this got me thinking and I've devised this Stepping Out in the Evening Twilight for those of you 'girls' who are possibly a little bit 'shy' or it's the first time for you stepping outside. Perhaps you're not ready or simply unable to enjoy the daytime excursions into town and the shopping and lunch trips I offer but would dearly love to experience going out while dressed and feel the sensation of walking in those heels or boots. That intoxicating clicking sound of our stilletoe heels on the concrete pathway is really something to savor especially the first time when you realise that stilletoe sound is actually YOU :) It's still an enjoyment for me and I am constatntly out and and about.
Don't worry if you're a little unsteady on your feet in those heels there's always the more comfortable option of a flatter pair of shoes to walk in but still enjoying the slightly daring first time stroll outside. You can dress up high glam, maybe wear our furs if it's a bit chilly or dress down if you feel more comfortable that way, it's entirely up to you and of course how confident you are.
This isn't of course exclusively for that first time experience as it's also wonderful fun
for those of you girls who are more experienced at going out, or perhaps dress fairly easily at home but still relish the thought of going out, or perhaps just want to enjoy some company and feel safe being with another understanding T-Girl. Taking in the night's air and enjoying delightful Girlie chatter as we amble along. Enjoy a coffee or glass of wine before we set off on that STEPPING OUT experience.
One of the locations has a delightful restaurant at the end of our walk which quite often is a lovely stop off point to enjoy a nice meal and drink before wandering back to my place.
It's such a thrill two girls casually ambling along and perhaps even getting a friendly casual glance from the very occasional passer by. However I never venture anywhere that's not safe or areas where unwanted leches might hang out. Our safety and enjoyment as well as your confidentiality and discretion is of absolute paramount importance to me.
There are some delightful secluded walks nearby to my apartment, all selected and familiarised by myself so there's no need to even drive. We leave from my place girls arm in arm or hand in hand and take the secluded safe evening stroll either down to the beach and under-cliff or into the nearby gardens. There are always benches to sit on for a while and take in the cool evening air and sound of waves hitting the shore. Quite romantic actually and you'll discover the thrill is unbelievable especially is it's your first time.
Perhaps combine a stepping out evening with a makeover or dress up session or both.
'Stepping Out' can be combined with my
'All Day Dressing Service' (Option B) for an additional £60.00
Combine it with my half day (Option A) appointment
for an additional £70.00
If you would like to add 'Stepping Out' to my Makeover ONLY
Makeover ONLY and Manicure service
the cost is an additional £90.00 as an add on to
your appointment.
Terms and Conditions Apply
When adding 'Stepping Out' to your appointment this can sometimes be dependant on the weather and time available on the day. Please allow plenty of time if wishing to add this to your appointment.

Telephone: 01202 757547
Kelayla James